While the federal government’s Health Insurance Marketplace website is still experiencing technical difficulties, many of those still waiting to enroll in a plan are wondering what kind of health insurance rates they can expect.
So what exactly will you pay?
Your health insurance rate under the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, will depend on factors like your age, your overall health and the state that you live in. The good news? Those with pre-existing conditions, the elderly, and lower-income individuals who have never been able to afford health insurance will likely receive a discounted premium. The bad news? Insurance premiums on average are increasing in most states.
In a recent report issued by The Manhattan Institute, the Affordable Care Act will likely increase individual health insurance premiums by 41 percent in the average state. The changes in health insurance rates vary greatly from state to state: folks looking for insurance in New York can rest easy knowing that they’ll save an average of 40 percent; others, in states like Nevada, could see their health insurance rates go up 100 percent or more (you can find out how insurance rates are affected in your state with the What Will Obamacare Cost You interactive map).
Regardless of what state you live in, your income, age, gender and health will also have a significant impact on your health insurance rate. If you have a serious medical condition or you are considered a low-income individual, you will likely be able to find affordable health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. If you are relatively healthy, however, you’ll probably face higher insurance rates. Gender plays an important roles, as well. Women tend to use more healthcare services than men, but because Obamacare legislation prevents insurance companies from charging women more money for health insurance, men can expect to compensate for this shift with higher insurance rates.
But the group that will see the biggest drop in health insurance premium
rates is the elderly, thanks mostly to federal subsidies. These subsidies
are based on the percentage of your income that is spent on health insurance
- a high ratio for the elderly. This means the older you are, the more
likely you’ll see a significant deduction in your health insurance