With many college grads entering their student loan repayments this month, one important number will affect how much they’ll pay over the lifetime of their loans: their student loan interest rate. President Obama and Congress spent a significant amount of … Continue Reading
Have you checked your credit report lately? If you’re doing all the right things with your credit, you might think that checking your credit is totally unnecessary – you’ve never missed a loan payment, you pay your credit card bills … Continue Reading
You may have just refinanced your mortgage and locked in a lower rate. You may have taken out a student loan with a really low interest rate from a private leder. And yet, your credit card APR is still sky … Continue Reading
If you’ve never opened a line of credit before or you have little to no credit history, chances are you’re still trying to figure out just how your credit works and how to get started. FICO scores, annual credit report, … Continue Reading
As of October 1, the Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as the Health Insurance Exchange) is officially open. That means most Americans now have the opportunity to compare health insurance rates and sign up for insurance plans through a centralized … Continue Reading
Getting married and buying a home are two of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your life – and usually in that order. Yet more and more millennials are opting to buy a home with their significant other before tying … Continue Reading
Thanks for the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), the Health Insurance Marketplace opens up for business on October 1, 2013. The website and marketplace is intended to provide a one-stop shop to compare health insurance plans based on … Continue Reading