Does your stomach flip every time you get your student loan statement in the mail? If you’re one of the millions of college grads with tens of thousands of dollars student loan debt, managing your monthly payment – let alone … Continue Reading
It’s hard enough paying your credit card bill every month, especially if you’re in hundreds or thousands of dollars in debt. Add annual fees, late charges and sky-high interest rates on top of that and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. … Continue Reading
If you graduated from college this year, you’ve likely just hit your 6-month anniversary in the real world. And if you’ve graduated with student loan debt, you’re likely about to hit another major anniversary: the end of your grace period. … Continue Reading
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to buy a car. December means we’re in the full throes of the holiday season, we’re reaching the end of the calendar year and we’re now in the best month to snag … Continue Reading
Over the past 4 years, credit card fees dropped, credit card applications changed and consumer satisfaction increased. Did you notice? If you aren’t tracking the last few years of consumer finance laws in Washington, D.C., this particular piece of legislation … Continue Reading
While the federal government’s Health Insurance Marketplace website is still experiencing technical difficulties, many of those still waiting to enroll in a plan are wondering what kind of health insurance rates they can expect. So what exactly will you pay? … Continue Reading
For a little over two weeks in October, the U.S. federal government was “out of office.” From national parks to certain sections of many federal agencies, federal services grinded to a halt last month. While there weren’t any extreme catastrophes … Continue Reading