You may have seen credit card offers in the mail or advertised on TV that seem too good to be true: zero percent interest, free balance transfers, no annual fee… While these offers are real, there’s definitely a catch in … Continue Reading
If you have a checking account, you probably also have a savings account, which can be a convenient place to stash some money off to the side so it’s not all sitting in your main transaction account. A savings account … Continue Reading
So you probably are already familiar with the biggest difference between credit cards and debit cards: credit cards let you borrow money to make a purchase, which you then have to repay with any interest that accrues on any balance … Continue Reading
Not every loan is created equally. I bet you’re familiar with seeing credit card interest rates (also known as the annual percentage rate, or APR) around 15 percent. But did you know that there are borrowing options that can cost … Continue Reading
If you’re considering your college options, you’re also probably considering how to pay for it – and when it comes to paying for college, student loans seem like a necessity. But before you sign on the dotted line for any … Continue Reading
Shopping around for different types of insurance? I’m guessing disability insurance may be the last thing on your list. Health insurance, automobile insurance, renters or homeowners insurance, and even life insurance may all be in your insurance toolbox – but … Continue Reading
Don’t settle for high interest rates and ridiculous annual fees on your credit cards. Credit card companies don’t want you to know this, but you do have the power to negotiate lower rates with the right strategy. Learning how to … Continue Reading