When you open a credit card account, you often have the option to add another card user to your account. It’s important to understand the difference between an additional user and a joint credit card account. The Basics of a … Continue Reading
Paying monthly insurance premiums can feel like a pain. However, the purchase of insurance is an important part of your finances. The right insurance policies can protect your assets, and prevent you from becoming overwhelmed with financial difficulties. Purchasing insurance … Continue Reading
Not too long ago, outstanding student loan debt surpassed $1 trillion. On top of that, college tuition costs continue to rise. With costs on the rise, more students need to borrow in order to afford college, and that means that … Continue Reading
Your credit, as you know, is an important piece of your financial puzzle. Your credit provides insight into how you can be expected to use money in the future. Financial services companies and lenders alike look at your credit history … Continue Reading
Credit scoring is a big deal these days. If you don’t have good credit, you can end up unable to qualify for a mortgage, or unable to get the best interest rate on a car. You might even end up … Continue Reading
Buying a car can be a stressful experience. You want to get the best deal, but it seems as though that is made difficult by the pushy salespeople and the cost of the loan itself. Getting the best deal on … Continue Reading
One of the ways that you can get out from under debt is by consolidating it so that it is more manageable. Debt consolidation works by taking all of your smaller loans and combining them in such a way that … Continue Reading