A good credit score doesn’t just happen. If you want the good financial reputation that comes with a good credit score, you need to take an active role in managing your score. Here are 4 things you can do to … Continue Reading
When you want the best price on a new TV, you shop around. You compare prices at various retailers, and you look up consumer ratings. No matter what you are shopping for, it makes sense to look around for the … Continue Reading
One of the realities that many consumers face is that of debt. Credit card debt can be especially problematic. It comes with a high interest rate, and it can be hard to pay off over time. One of the ways … Continue Reading
Now that the Great Recession is a fading memory, credit card issuers are ramping up their efforts to snag more consumers. There’s a good chance that you’ve seen an increase in credit card offers in your mailbox, all of them … Continue Reading
When you start shopping around for a home loan, you are likely to run into terms like “pre-qualified” and “pre-approved” to describe whether or not you are eligible for a certain mortgage amount. Before you start your house-hunting, it’s a … Continue Reading
The biggest loan you are likely to get is a mortgage. Because mortgages are so large, the interest charged can have a big impact on your finances. Over the course of a mortgage term, you can pay hundreds of thousands … Continue Reading
With tax season underway, one of the questions that many people ask is this: What if I can’t pay my taxes? I know the feeling. When I first started freelancing, I didn’t know about quarterly estimated taxes or the realities … Continue Reading