There are times when you need to borrow a relatively small amount of money, and pay it off over the course of a few months, but you don’t want to pay the high rate that is likely on your credit … Continue Reading
When my husband and I were house hunting several years ago, we were shocked at what some lenders were willing to “give” us in terms of a mortgage. This was before the housing market crash and financial crisis, in the … Continue Reading
One of the reasons that people buy homes is that it’s possible for them to build value, or equity. As you pay down your mortgage, and as your home appreciates in value, it’s possible to increase the value of your … Continue Reading
After a while, debt can become a huge burden, especially as it piles up and becomes difficult to keep track of. In some cases, when you become overwhelmed by your debt, it can make sense to consolidate it. Before you … Continue Reading
In some cases, it is necessary to use debt as a way to make a major purchase. Few of us can buy a new car with cash, and even fewer of us can plunk down hundreds of thousands of dollars … Continue Reading
The current low-rate environment has many savers gnashing their teeth. They like the idea of cash products, but the yield is so low that they are hard-pressed to beat inflation. One way to take advantage of the protections that come … Continue Reading
When it comes to buying a home, some consumers don’t worry too much about the mortgage rate. Instead, they are more concerned about getting approved, and buying the home in general. If your goal is to get into a house … Continue Reading