Your home is likely to be the largest purchase of your life. How many times can you say that you have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on something? Most of us, though, can’t just pull that kind of money … Continue Reading
Because a mortgage is so large, and the term of repayment stretches for decades, your interest rate is vital. Qualifying for the best mortgage rate can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of your home loan. … Continue Reading
One of the most important aspects of your finances is cash flow. The way money moves through your personal economy — especially when it comes in and goes out — is vitally important. The timing of when you receive income … Continue Reading
At some point, you are likely to feel that it is time to part ways with a credit card. When you are ready to cancel a credit card, it’s important to do it the right way. But first, make sure … Continue Reading
The idea of a home business is very attractive to many people. The flexibility and freedom that come with running a home business, as well as the ability to become successful financially, are draws that appeal to consumers. However, it’s … Continue Reading
After the financial crisis, variable mortgages got something of a bad rap. With so many people losing their homes to foreclosure, there was a bad taste in many mouths regarding variable rate mortgages, since many of those struggling had these … Continue Reading
One of the maddening realities of the current economic situation is the fact that a low-rate environment means that the money you keep in a savings account earns a yield at a very slow pace. For those of us who … Continue Reading