Purchasing any type of insurance policy is never a particularly fun or easy process, but being properly insured is a critical keystone in a solid personal financial plan. So like it or not, we all have to be sure we’ve … Continue Reading
Most adults who have ever tried to purchase a car, house, or college education are familiar with the concept of the credit score: your past financial deeds (and misdeeds) are recorded and analyzed and a numerical score is generated based … Continue Reading
There’s nothing that sounds sweeter to most peoples’ ears than the phrase “passive income.” After all, who wants to actually have to work for their money? Wouldn’t it be great to just see the dollars come rolling in without having … Continue Reading
What would Admiral Ackbar say? Is store credit a trap?! You have to give them props, those big box and department stores we all love so much: they’re pretty crafty. Not only do they lure us off of our couches … Continue Reading
When most people think about banks and bankers, “generous” is usually not the term that springs immediately to mind. In fact, for many people, “stingy,” “strict,” or “stern” might be the adjectives they think of more readily. But a funny … Continue Reading
Being in debt kind of stinks. Well actually, it really stinks. It stinks to see your paycheck get eaten up by spending you’ve already done, it stinks to feel like you always owe someone money, it stinks to feel like … Continue Reading
What are you looking for in a mate? Good looks? A sense of humor? Intelligence? Loyalty? While these are undeniably attractive qualities, for a lot of people they aren’t enough. It appears that in the 21st century a nice smile … Continue Reading