Getting educated about your finances can be a daunting process, but once you’ve started to pay attention to you money and make an effort to figure out how it works, the expectation is that you’ll start to see results. Most … Continue Reading
It’s pretty rare to come across a person who sets out in his or her financial life with the intention of someday declaring bankruptcy. In fact, for a lot of us, the prospect of declaring bankruptcy seems like such a … Continue Reading
Few of us walk around worried about a sudden injury or illness keeping us out of work, and really, that’s probably a good thing. After all, there’s no sense fretting over a scary event that may or may not occur. … Continue Reading
On the continuum of mistakes we make throughout our lives, there are definitely some screw-ups that are much worse than others. Forgetting to floss a couple of times a week? No big deal. Accidentally sending a snarky email about your … Continue Reading
Let’s face it: improving your credit is pretty tough. Major lifestyle changes need to be undertaken, our inner reserves of self-discipline must be summoned, and a major amount of patience must be scrounged up. In an effort to make the … Continue Reading
As the American housing market continues its slow crawl towards normalcy, real estate experts and economists are often quoted in news stories on the topic, touting the benefits of homeownership. For example, many point out that renting a home amounts … Continue Reading
It’s often said that one of the most important skills in life is negotiating. Good negotiators are able to obtain higher salaries, make better deals when they’re out shopping, and get away with more speeding tickets than the rest of … Continue Reading