If you know anything at all about car insurance, you understand the importance of keeping a clean driving record. After all, one of the fastest ways to see your insurance rates spike is to get a ticket or be involved … Continue Reading
Maintaining good credit is very important to our financial lives, and while there are certainly people out there who take a flippant attitude towards their money, most of us understand that keeping our credit in line is essential. This is … Continue Reading
Making a new year’s resolution is an annual tradition for lots of people. After all, most of us want to make positive changes in our lives, so why not use the start of a new year to get the ball … Continue Reading
Since the onset of the Great Recession, people with cash savings have been troubled by the low interest rates these accounts have been earning. And it’s no wonder: most savings accounts are paying less than 1% in interest these days. … Continue Reading
With the Affordable Care Act dominating the headlines these days, it seems like healthcare costs are on everyone’s minds. This is understandable – aside from all the legal hubbub, healthcare is a major expense for American families and many of … Continue Reading
There’s a lot to be said for building up a big emergency fund. It can definitely come in handy if you’re ever faced with a crisis, and for a lot of people, this brings huge peace of mind. But one … Continue Reading
Homeowner’s insurance is a product that nearly all of us are required to purchase when we buy a home. Truth be told, though, even if you didn’t have to, you’d probably want to. For most of us, our home is … Continue Reading