Valentine’s Day has come and gone, leaving many couples with the unfortunate reality that this simply isn’t working anymore. Whether you’ve dumped someone, been dumped, or come to a mutual agreement to split, there’s a reason why they call it … Continue Reading
Rainy day money. Stockpile. Nest egg. No matter what you call it, no one can deny the importance of having an emergency fund. This is cash that you can access when you absolutely need it – and when not having … Continue Reading
Do you know the value of a good trade? Demi Skipper and Kyle McDonald certainly do! These savvy individuals started out with a bobby pin and a paperclip respectively, and both traded for increasingly valuable items until they ended up … Continue Reading
After many decades of working on their career, raising children, and/or maintaining other responsibilities, most senior citizens are looking forward to retirement and having more flexibility with their lives. However, that goal can be hindered if they’ve accumulated too much … Continue Reading
Most people grapple with the own-versus-rent scenario during their lives. Many want to own a home, but think that it makes more sense to rent. Perhaps they are trying to avoid a large down payment, or think that homeownership is … Continue Reading
Nothing is more frustrating than realizing you’ve spent extra money that you could have saved. Here are seven common financial mistakes that many people make, and steps you can take to fix them. 1. Paying for Reoccurring Fees and Expenses … Continue Reading
As every pet parent knows, owning a pet is an incredibly rewarding experience. It also brings with it a great deal of responsibility – this animal depends on you for food, attention, vet visits, and more. If you consider your … Continue Reading