Your 20s is a time to have fun, start your careers, and create memories that will last a life time! It’s also the foundation for the rest of your adult life. Making smart decisions now can have lasting impacts for … Continue Reading
Homebuyers have benefited from historically low interest rates for the past several years, with rates hovering between 2% and 3%. However, mortgage rates have been trending upwards and are expected to increase even further. If you have been putting off … Continue Reading
Retiring early may seem like a fantasy, but for many people, the goal of retiring early is pushing them to reach FIRE (which stands for Financial Independence Retire Early). This so-called FIRE path often involves careful budgeting, smart investing, and … Continue Reading
Buying a house is an exciting time, but when you’re ready to make an offer, there’s one important task that most homebuyers skip. I’m talking, of course, about writing an offer letter to the seller. What is an Offer Letter? … Continue Reading
After living in a pandemic for two years, things are finally beginning to go back to normal, with instances of Covid dropping and restrictions starting to ease. That being said, a significant portion of the population continue to suffer from … Continue Reading
It’s a seller’s market right now, which means that while it’s a great time to sell a house, buying a house can be a struggle, especially for young or first-time homebuyers. Low inventory, combined with rising real estate prices, means … Continue Reading
With pandemic restrictions beginning to ease and warmer weather approaching, 2022 is shaping up to be a big make-up year for all the travel that people have missed. Whether you’re planning on visiting family close by or traveling someplace faraway, … Continue Reading