I have a friend who is a conspiracy theorist. He told me a few months ago to watch for the “feds” to attempt to bring down a “big bank”. He had various explanations for this – the world order exerting … Continue Reading
WHAT? In an official release, the FHFA stated, “On September 6, 2008, FHFA used its authorities to place Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship. This was in response to a substantial deterioration in the housing markets that severely damaged … Continue Reading
Trum-phillery As we approach election day, what will happen with the housing and finance industries based on the “winner” (the actual winning candidate, not the one with more quirky mannerisms)? Lets have some fun in advance and attempt to make some … Continue Reading
My father, may he rest in peace, told me to always find the humor in everything – and he meant everything. So as I was completing this month’s blog entry, I realized it contained NO humor! Horrors! That obviously … Continue Reading
How will Brexit effect the mortgage industry and housing market? Unless you are a life-long learner and incessant seeker of information like me, you can stop reading now. What? Yes, that’s right. Here’s why. We just don’t KNOW what effects … Continue Reading
SHOW ME THE MONEY! What money? The mortgage crisis collected bank fines, that’s what money, honey. Who received it, where did it go, who is keeping track of all of it, what good did the collection of it do, and … Continue Reading
Have you been making your mortgage payments on time, even if your home value dropped and never rebounded? Stop reading now. This blog is N/A to you. What?? Let’s start by going back in time. When the mortgage crisis … Continue Reading