The home loan market shook off the Thanksgiving holiday week and started September 26, 2012, with a spreading out of mortgage rates offered by different lenders. As a result, the rate sheet spectrum from low to high individual rates … Continue Reading
Opening up the week of Thanksgiving, November 19, 2012 activity was already expected to be light in terms of market movement. Not surprisingly, everyone is looking for a holiday break and a rest from the downturn of the markets last … Continue Reading
The week of November 5, 2012, is opening up with a deficit of the usual economic reports from the government. This should not be a surprise to anyone since all eyes and attention in Washington D.C. and the beltway are … Continue Reading
Mortgage rates closing the week on November 2, 2012, stayed higher despite quite a bit of pressure to go lower as well as the fallout from Hurricane Sandy on the northeastern seaboard. Additionally, the latest labor numbers for the month … Continue Reading
Despite various prognostications yesterday that home loan mortgage rates might go down or drop, they instead stayed the same or increased on Tuesday, October 30, 2012. The move was a bit interesting, especially given the fact that public markets were … Continue Reading
Mortgage rates for the day starting October 29 headed south rather than up as hoped for the week earlier. The unexpected closure of the markets due to Hurricane Sandy on the east coast as well as a lack of movement … Continue Reading
While there may have been some hope for a slight increase in mortgage rates at the end of the week of October 26, in fact the rates dropped down again. On the other hand, lenders are started to diversify across … Continue Reading