When you make the choice to finance a vehicle, you run the risk of that vehicle flipping upside down. And by upside down, I don’t mean wheels up — I mean when you owe more than the car is worth. … Continue Reading
It’s tax time! That magical time of year that may mean windfalls for some, and huge cash outflows for others. If you find yourself owing this year, but don’t have the cash to cover it, you don’t have to panic. … Continue Reading
Purchasing a car is overwhelming for a lot of people. They want to find something safe and reliable they actually like that comes in at a price point they can reasonably afford. In regards to the latter, it can be … Continue Reading
For the budget-conscious and indebted, whether or not to travel can be a difficult decision. On the one hand, travel is not necessary and money spent on travel may be put to better use elsewhere. On the other hand, travel … Continue Reading
Buying a home has been ingrained in our culture as the pinnacle of adulthood. After all, owning property is a “solid investment” and apartments rarely have the white picket fence required to live out the American Dream. However, for some … Continue Reading