There are multiple savings vehicles for which to park your money. However, depending on the purpose of the savings and the length between now and when you need to access it, you will want to choose different types of accounts. … Continue Reading
Many people, including me, will advise those who want to simplify their finances to automate payments. I personally automate everything except for my debt payments because I like to control how much I pay off from one month to the … Continue Reading
People use credit cards for different reasons — like earning travel or cash rewards, paying for things they can’t afford, charging reimbursable business expenses — but they often ignore the extra perks. You see, your credit card likely offers some … Continue Reading
No one wants to think about the death of themselves or their family members. Unfortunately, it is an inevitability. One way to prepare financially is by purchasing life insurance to cover your funeral costs and help replace your income in … Continue Reading
Most of us want to save money. Because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? Save at least 20% of your income? However, many of us either aren’t saving or hate saving for one big reason — we don’t know … Continue Reading
When I talk to would-be entrepreneurs and freelancers, the one recurring objection to leaving the 9-5 grind is the lack of affordable insurance. And with good reason! Americans without coverage through work (and even those WITH employer-sponsored coverage) can shell … Continue Reading
There are few things more stressful than having a medical emergency come up while you’re uninsured. I would know, I’ve totally been there. I got married in college, my husband and I both had minimum wage jobs without benefits, and … Continue Reading