It’s generally accepted that a good credit score is a good thing to have. After all, it can be difficult to do mundane things like rent an apartment or even get water service at that apartment without good credit. But … Continue Reading
Buying a new car probably ranks up there on the list of “most dreaded life experiences.” Because while there’s the excitement of getting a new car, there’s also the fear of getting ripped off. One way to reduce the stress … Continue Reading
Are you the Chief Financial Officer of your family? Do you pay the bills, organize documents for taxes, and arrange for insurance policies? If the answer is yes, have you thought about what your family would do if you were … Continue Reading
You may have heard of long-term care insurance talked about by folks who are preparing to retire, or perhaps taking care of their parents. But do you know what it is? Long-term care insurance is exactly what it sounds like: … Continue Reading
Being self-employed has many benefits, but one thing you don’t get is an employer-sponsored 401(k) plan with matching funds, or a company-funded pension. So if you want any sort of tax-advantaged retirement savings, you’re going to have to pick a … Continue Reading
You probably think it could never happen to you, but identity theft happens to millions of Americans each year. Signs of identity theft include errors on your credit report, bills you don’t recognize, and of course, creditors calling about defaulted … Continue Reading
According to the federal government, identity theft is the use of someone’s name, Social Security number, or other personal information “to commit fraud or other crimes.” Moreover, according to the FTC, identity thieves consider a child’s Social Security number to … Continue Reading