Most of us mistakenly believe that you need to take out a business loan, and invest your savings, to start a new business. But in reality, and with today’s technology, you can launch a business with little to no investment. … Continue Reading
There’s a fine line between investing in the growth of your business and bootstrapping to save money. This is something that all startups and small businesses face at some point. Whether it’s repercussions from the recession, changes in the market … Continue Reading
There’s always a lot of controversy over how much entrepreneurs & startups should pay themselves. If they pay themselves too much, they’re seen as greedy or not working hard enough to prove their ideas. On the flip side, if they … Continue Reading
The entrepreneur life is filled with much more risk and reward than the traditional career, which can lead to a plethora of problems you wouldn’t normally have to overcome if you worked for someone else. You’ll face an endless amount … Continue Reading